Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A New Group for Sweden!

What a fantastic group of missionaries that have come to us.  We call them, "The Baker's Dozen", because we received 13 new Elders, who are ready to go to work here in Sweden.  Pictured left to right are: Elder and Sister Taylor, Elder Weaver, Elder Richardson, Elder Murri, Elder Bliss, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Sahlin, Elder Chugg, Elder Payne, Elder Rowley, Elder Groberg, Elder Jensen, Elder Adams, Elder Cox, Elder Nilsson, Elder Pfost, Elder Walton, Sister Beckstrand, Elder Noso, President Beckstrand, Elder LIddle, Elder and Sister Koyle.

Loaded up and ready to head toward Stockholm.  Pictured left to right are:  Elder Pfost, Elder Richardson, Elder Chugg, Elder Jensen, Elder Nilsson, and Elder Weaver.

In the front seat of van #1, Elder Walton and Elder Noso bringing home the goods.

 In van #2, we have Elder Cox, Elder Murri, Elder Groberg, Elder Payne, Elder Rowley, and Elder Adams.

And in the front seat of van #2, we have Elder Rasmussen and Elder Sahlin, trusted to make sure these missionaries arrive safely.

On the way from the airport, we stopped to let the Elders stretch their legs a little.  Our stop was at Hagapark, a beautiful park right in Stockholm.  Pictured left to right are:  Elder Chugg, Elder Pfost, Elder Richardson, Elder Weaver, Elder Murri, Elder Groberg, Elder Nilsson, Elder Payne, Elder Walton, Sister and President Beckstrand.  Seated are:  Elder Rowley, Elder Jensen, Elder Adams, and Elder Cox.
A group shot with the lake in the background.  Moms, pick out your favorite Elder.

Elder and Sister Taylor at Hagapark.  This is their last adventure with us picking up new missionaries as they head for home in two days.  We love these two and we will miss them dearly.  Thanks, Elder and Sister Taylor, for everything you have down for the Sweden Stockholm MIssion.

President Beckstrand getting a little one on one time with the new missionaries in Hagapark.

What a great group of missionaries.  We are so glad to have them here in Sweden and look forward to many great things from them as they serve our Heavenly Father.

After the Hagapark experience and getting them all taken care of at the immigration office, we arrive at the Stockholm YSA Center, for lunch, some instruction, and the opportunity to go out on the streets of Stockholm and contact people for real.

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