Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Assignments

Well, the day has arrived to find out where these new missionaries will serve and who will be their trainers.  Sister Giles will have Sister King as her trainer.

 Sister Giles will be serving in Gävle with Sister King.
 Sister Brink will have Sister Allred as her trainer.

 Sister Brink will be serving in Karlskrona with Sister Allred.
Sister Irene will have Sister Sandelin as her trainer.

 Sister Irene will be serving in Örebro with Sister Sandelin.
Sister Stoughton will have Sister Powell as her trainer.

 Sister Stoughton will be serving in Borås with Sister Powell.
Sister Gardner will have Sister Bolton as her trainer.

 Sister Gardner will be serving in Jönköping with Sister Bolton.
 Sister Bateman will have Sister Austin as her trainer.

 Sister Bateman will be serving in Malmö with Sister Austin.
 Elder Simonsen will have Elder Silvennoinen as his trainer.

 Elder Simonsen will be serving in Karlskrona with Elder Silvennoinen.
 Elder Larson will have Elder Elinkowski as his trainer.

 Elder Larson will be serving in Boden with Elder Elinkowski.
Elder Backman will have Elder Ahlstrom as his trainer.

 Elder Backman will be serving in Västerås with Elder Ahlstrom.
Elder Duwors will have Elder Roosendaal as his trainer.

 Elder Duwors will be serving in Utby with Elder Roosendaal.
Elder Scott will have Elder Dahle as his trainer.

 Elder Scott will be serving in Karlstad with Elder Dahle.
 Elder Linchenko will have Elder Johnson as his trainer.

 Elder Linchenko will be serving in Lund with Elder Johnson.
Elder Moody will have Elder Barnes as his trainer.

 Elder Moody will be serving in Kungsbacka with Elder Barnes.

Elder and Sister Britton will be serving in Stockholm with the Records Preservation program, working with the Swedish Military Archives.
Elder and Sister Tolley have been serving as our Apartment Couple and cruising up and down the entire country of Sweden helping to secure safe and sound dwelling places for our missionaries.  They have done a tremendous job for us and we love them for their selfless service.

 Well, after the assignments have been made and delivered, we enjoy a final meal together before everyone ships off with their new companions to their new destinations.

And we say a fond farewell to Elder Stinnett, who leaves us after spending the last 4 months in the office.  He has been wonderful and now is headed to Handen to assume his new Zone Leader role.  Good luck to you Elder Stinnett!

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