Sunday, September 7, 2014

More Troops

 September 2, 2014, our second group from the Provo MTC has arrived.  This is a great group of 8 Elders and one lone Sister.  We welcomed them to Sweden with open arms and look forward to serving with them.

Loading up the luggage and the missionaries in route to the Migration Office for pictures and fingerprinting.

Well, after all the work at the Migration Office, we arrive at the Stockholm YSA for some lunch, brief welcome and orientation, and then out to try our contacting skills in downtown Stockholm.

 After our group made several great contacts and gave out several Books of Mormon, we went for a quick photo up with the group in front of the Stads Hus, where the Nobel Prize Banquet is held.

 The next morning after a peaceful nights rest, we assembled at the Täby Ward Chapel for more instruction and training and then to see where our new missionaries will be serving and who their companions would be.

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