Thursday, November 5, 2015

New Arrivals, Returning with Honor, and MLC

Tuesday, October 27, 2015, we found ourselves once again at the Arlanda Airport in Stockholm picking up more new missionaries.  It was a little different this time as we had two different arrivals, first we picked up Elder Muirhead, who had been serving in Chicago, waiting for his visa to arrive.  It was good to finally have him arrive in Sweden.  Pictured left to right:  President and Sister Beckstrand, Elder Archibald, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Muirhead, Elder Bliss, Elder Burke, Elder Sahlin, Sister and Elder Koyle.

Then, one hour later, we picked up Elder Murtonen, who arrived from the Provo MTC, the only one from his group of 12 elders, to arrive.  He is Finnish, and therfore does not need a visa.  His MTC group are spread from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C.  Pictured from left to right are:  Elder Sahlin, Elder Burke, Elder Archibald, Elder Murtonen, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Bliss, Sister and President Beckstrand.

Our traditional picture with the Stadshus in the background.  Pictured from left to right:  Elder Burke, Elder Muirhead, Elder Murtonen, Sister Beckstrand, President Beckstrand, Elder Sahlin, and Elder Bliss.

We had some time to take the new Elders out to the temple in Västerhaninge.  Here, the Angel Moroni sits atop the temple spire, with fall foilage in the foreground.

Elder Murtonen and Elder Muirhead at the Stockholm Sweden Temple.

One last picture of the outgoing mission office crew.  President and Sister Beckstrand, Elder Bliss, who will be transferring to Jönköping, Elder Bliss, Elder Rasmussen, who will be transferring home to Orem, Utah, and Elder Sahlin.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015.  New missionary orientation at the Täby Chapel.  Elder Muirhead will be trained by Elder Walker.

 Elder Muirhead will be serving in Uppsala with Elder Walker.

 Elder Murtonen will be trained by Elder Erikson.

 Elder Murtonen will be serving in Vendelsö with Elder Erikson.

After the orientation, time for a great Swedish meal of Swedish meatballs before we head to T Central for trains to our destinations.  Elder Burke, Elder Erikson, Elder Murtonen, Elder Walker, and Elder Muirhead.

Sister Beckstrand enjoying some Swedish meatballs, her favorite, along with Elder Archibald, Elder Rasmussen, and Elder Burke.

Many thanks to Elder and Sister Koyle, our Office Couple, for all that they do to keep the mission running forward.  Eat up, Sister Koyle!

After we got the new missionaries on their way, we were off to the Stockholm Temple to do a session with our missionaries who have completed their assignments.  Pictured from left to right, front row:  Elder Rasmussen, Elder Noso, Sister Modersitzki, Sister Sorensen, Sister Beckstrand, Sister Carrington, Elder Ahlstrom, and President Beckstrand.  Back row:  Elder Stoeltzing, Elder Jones, Elder Smith, Elder Brinkworth, Elder Brown, Elder Stinnett, and Elder Allen.

 Elder Aabo finally one more picture:  Elder Rasmussen, Elder Noso, Sister Modersitzki, Sister Sorensen, Sister Beckstrand, President Beckstrand, and Elder Ahlstrom.  Back row:  Elder Stoeltzing, Elder Jones, Elder Smith, Elder Aabo, Elder Brown, Elder Stinnett, Elder Allen, and Elder Brinkworth.

 And our potographer, Elder Bybee, with a selfie!

Our farewell dinner for this great group of missionaries who are returning home with honor.  Pictured left to right:  Elder Stinnett, Elder Rasmussen, Elder Brinkworth, Elder Allen, Elder Brown, Elder Smith, Elder Jones, and Elder Stoeltzing.

 Same table, other direction:  Elder Jones, Elder Stoeltzing, Elder Ahlstrom, Elder Noso, Elder Stinnett, Elder Rasmussen, and Elder Brinkworth.
 Elder Koyle, Sister Sorensen, Sister Carrington, Sister Beckstrand, Sister Modersitzki, and Sister Koyle.

Mission Leadership Council meeting.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015, we met with our Mission Leadership Council for instruction for this next transfer cycle.  Elder Archibald and Elder Sahlin, our Assistants, taught about the need for personal testimony and following Christ in everything that we do.  The invitation was given to like Peter, "Follow Him!"  President and Sister Beckstrand taught the Christlike attribute of Diligence and the need for each missionary to start strong and finish strong, even when our physical strength is about gone and it is dark outside, we need to be diligent in His work.
 MLC members receiving teaching.

 A great group of missionaries make up our Mission Leadership Council.  We are so thankful for their dedicated service and love for the Savior.

New Chapel Dedication

Dedication of Luleå's newly remodeled buidling and chapel.
Saturday, October 24, 2015, President and Sister Beckstrand flew to Luleå to take part in the dedication of their new building.  It was a great opportunity to be with the saints in Luleå and see their new building dedicated.  President Håkan Stegeby, District President, was asked by the Area Presidency to dedicate the building.  Pictured below are Otto Liljansalo, Hugo Näslund, Branch President David Newell, District President Håkan Stegeby, and Mission President Beckstrand.

Luleå primary children singing some prelude songs.

 Luleå saints gathered for the dediction program.

 The front entry of the Luleå Church building.

The front lobby with some of the Luleå saints.

The overflow/cultural hall of the church building.  Table set up ready for Fika after the dedication program.

The Branch President's office.

 One of the classrooms.

The Family History center.

A picture of the chapel, prior to dedication.

 The Relief Society room.
 A primary room.

The kitchen.

President Beckstrand with one of the young men in the Luleå branch.

 After a great Sabbath Day on Sunday, October 25, 2015, we headed for the airport to fly back to Stockholm.  We say good-bye to the Luleå members and thank them for a wonderful weekend.  As we depart, the sun in Luleå at 2 PM, already going down.

Train the Trainers

Friday, October 23, 2015,  a special day for us as we had 12 missionaries come to the mission home to receive special training on how to train a new missionary.  We call this meeting, "Train the Trainers" and it provides us the opportunity to help these trainers of new missionaries understand what our expectations are of them and how to proceed in training a new missionary coming straight from the Provo MTC.

 We feed them good so that they can be attentive to the instructions they receive in the afternoon.
 After lunch, we gather in the mission home front room and receive instructions from President and Sister Beckstrand and the Assistants to the President.

 Elder Sahlin and Elder Rasmussen teach on the "12 Week Training Program" and they always have something special for our trainers.

"CHOZEN" Sister Conference October 2015

Fall is here and it is time for our Sister Missionaries in the Sweden Stockholm Mission to gather together to learn more about our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 15, 2015, at the chapel in Västerhaninge, the sister missionaries came together to participate in the Fall Sister's Conference.  The theme for the conference was "Sisters Forever" and the excitement was overflowing.  Sister Beckstrand and her helpers always do a great job of preparing and putting on a great conference for the sisters.

As you can see, there is plenty of excitement and the sisters are ready for a great day.

Sister Wood was on hand to teach the sisters about "Love is an Open Door" and the qualities you should look for in an eternal companion.

The sisters enjoyed Sister Woods' class and even Elder Wood joined in the fun.

Sister Koyle taught on "Do You Want to Build.......A Righteous Family?"

The sisters very much enjoyed Sister Koyle's class and took many great thoughts for after their mission life.

Lunch time and the sisters were treated to a wonderful potato bar with all the fixings.  Pick out your favorite sister in these next photos.  They all look absolutely beautiful.

 Hey, how did Elder Burke and Elder Bliss get in on this???????

After lunch, Sister Hawley taught "Let It Go" and the power of Forgiveness.

As part of Sister Hawley's lesson, each of the sister missionaries were given a ballon and asked to write on it one thing they were going to "Let Go" in order to understand the power of forgiveness in their lives.

So, after writing on their ballons, the sisters gathered together in a circle .............

...........and then "Let It Go" as the ballons ascended toward heaven.

Up, Up, and Away the ballons sailed.......

 .....except for the few that decided to drift into the trees on the temple grounds.  Woops!!!!!

After the fun with the balloons, Sister Beckstrand taught "You were Chosen" as a daughter of God to be a missionary in Sweden and that their companions and the sisters they meet here will be "Sisters Forever".

Sister Stoughton performed a special arrangement of the new song, "Sisters in Zion" with Sister Kimball at the piano.

Sister Beckstrand bore strong witness that these great Swedish Sister Missionaries received this special calling to come to Sweden in the pre-exsistence and that they have sacred duties to perform while here, and that the Lord will bless them and keep them as they are on His errand.

The conference was a wonderful event and our sister missionaries gained much from being here this day.  We are blessed with the best sister missionaries here in the Sweden Stockholm Mission and we love them very much.  They are most certainly "CHOSEN"  and not "Frozen!"